How to Get the Most out of Your Party Attire

A newly wedded couple with faces obscured by balloons

It's wedding season! Are you crisscrossing the country (or globe) this year to toast multiple happy couples? If so, here are some easy ways to maximize your party attire this wedding season.

🤍 Choose breathable and comfortable materials

Suits made of cotton, linen and seersucker are moisture-wicking, lightweight and perfect for summer heat. Silk dresses look elegant but sweat can show through, so go sleeveless or opt for a loose silhouette. Linen, cotton and chiffon dresses feel good outdoors and on the dance floor!

🤍 Bring the right tools

No matter how well we pack, more often than not we find our clothes with wrinkles or creases. Bring a travel steamer if your hotel doesn't provide one and a lint remover to spruce up. Consider packing a sewing kit too. It can be a great help in a pinch, like when you spot a loose button at the eleventh hour!

🤍 Flush stains out with water + use a spray

If wine splashes on you, flush it out of your clothes with water in the restroom—it should come right out. Use the wall-mounted hand dryer to dry the spot or let it air out on the dance floor. If the stain is still noticeable the next day, use a stain spray to pre-treat before washing. To get oil or makeup stains out, read this post.

🤍 Hand wash and air dry delicate fabrics

For washable party attire, use delicate detergent with lukewarm water and hand wash with light agitation. Gently squeeze water out (no wringing!) and lay the garment flat to dry. Silk ties can be washed this way or machine washed on a gentle setting in a delicates bag.

Hand washing a silk garment in a sink

🤍 Be an outfit repeater—it's more than OK!

You'll be spending money on travel, lodging and gifts. Don't let your wardrobe add to your expenses. Mix and match with what you have to create fresh looks and accessorize to your advantage. If buying new, choose materials that are easy to machine wash or hand wash at home so that you can easily rewear pieces. And remember that what matters most is your presence!

Words by Mutia Adisoma

Photo courtesy of Theresa Williams
Gif by Team Clean

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