Celebrating 7 Years in the Laundry Industry

Celsious co-founders Theresa and Corinna Williams answered seven rapid fire questions to kick off our 7th anniversary! We published this in two parts on Instagram, which you can watch here and here.
To keep our IG reels short and snappy, we had to cut down many of their answers. Find their full answers below.
🟡 List some crazy things you've found in a washer!
Corinna: Crystals, IDs, vapes, TV remotes, phones, AirPods, obviously.
Theresa: Chewing gum, unfortunately. Hell of a mess to clean out of the dryer. And then sometimes also NSFW things and illegal contraband.
🟡 What's something you wish everybody knew about laundry or did differently?
Theresa: I would say wash pillows and blankets regularly. We have had customers bring us duvets that haven't been washed in...
Corinna: Ever.
Theresa: Ever. Years, going on decades. That is definitely a big no no from us. Blankets and pillows that haven't been washed in that long are actually so much heavier from the things that have accumulated in them, so do wash them at least once a quarter.
🟡 What's one of your proudest accomplishments?
Corinna: So many, but I will say being able to pivot during the pandemic is definitely one of my proudest accomplishments. A lot of laundromats in the area had to close down due to necessity. We were able to take one day—24 hours—to completely change our business model and keep going, keep serving our community during an actual time of need.
🟡 Share a funny or memorable laundry moment from the last 7 years.
Theresa: It's always a little bit funny when we search high and low around the space, and camera footage, for an item that a customer has "lost" only to get a call a couple of hours later that that particular item is actually at home, in their hamper, clinging to another item, in their car...
Corinna: Roommate borrowed it.
Theresa: ...or the roommate borrowed it.
🟡 What's your favorite form of detergent?
Corinna: Powder detergent. Powder laundry soap, 100%.
Theresa: But liquid for delicates.
Corinna: Yes, that is true. 100% agreed. Definitely no pods or laundry strips because of PVA plastics. Tablets are fine but we found that sometimes they do leave a little bit of residue because they don't dissolve 100%.
🟡 List seven easy ways to make laundry day more eco-friendly!
Theresa: Wash less often, use cold water, use biodegradable detergent, and dry on low or hang dry to preserve energy.
Corinna: Cool. I'll add. Don't use fabric softener, use white vinegar instead. Don't use dryer sheets, you can do dryer balls. And don't let your stains sit—treat them right away so that your garments don't become fabric waste.
🟡 What are you excited for in the coming year?
Corinna: I am so excited for us to launch a truly eco-friendly alternative to dry cleaning. It will be a unique technology called Lagoon cleaning that will allow us to wash very delicate items like cashmere, silk and embellished things, and it's gonna be great!
Theresa: The technology is Woolmark-approved, so we are super excited to collaborate with the fashion community at large. Stay tuned!
Interview by Mutia Adisoma
Photo by Carbon Stories (location: Celsious)