Summertime laundry hacks

An orange swimsuit top hangs from a clothesline in moody lighting

We hope you have a blast this summer at backyard BBQs, picnics in the park, pool days, rooftop parties, and more! Make sure your clothes survive your summer activities too. Here's a laundry list (!) to help you survive the sweatiest season:

1️⃣ First things first: keep distilled white vinegar on hand.

A little white vinegar goes a long way to reduce odor! With each load, pour a 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar into your washer's fabric softener compartment and enjoy fresher laundry.

Pouring white vinegar into a washing machine

2️⃣ Prevent sunscreen stains from ruining your clothes.

Take extra care when you wash items that have come in contact with sunscreen. Avobenzone reacts with iron in water, causing rust-colored stains to appear in the wash. 😧 Protect clothes and bedding by choosing Avobenzone-free sunscreen, allowing lotion and sunscreen to dry before putting on clothes, and rinsing off before bed.

Rust colored stains caused by sunscreen

3️⃣ Keep summer whites bright, all season long.

Use an oxygen booster to keep your white clothes white. Just add a tablespoon to your washer along with your detergent with every wash.

Our oxygen booster is called Supersalt, and aside from regular upkeep, it can also be used to soak garments overnight or pre-treat stains. Learn how in this post.

A white canister of Supersalt oxygen booster with a seafoam green label on a yellow backdrop

4️⃣ Care for summer linens by following our guide.

We shared our linen care guide on the blog recently! Read up on how to wash and dry linen for that perfect laid-back and lived-in look.

5️⃣ Conserve energy by taking advantage of ☀️ & 🍃

Summer is the best time to give your dryer and clothes a break by air drying instead of tumble drying. We like to use drying racks as well as clotheslines, indoors and outdoors. Our favorite clothesline is made by NONA out of recycled ocean plastic (pictured at the very top!).

Words by Mutia Adisoma
Photo by Gerald Reidler

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